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function loadHubspotHiddenForm() { hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "42291744", formId: "6f0976b5-fc44-4e2b-8164-c2f73a0f3921", onFormReady: function($form) { $ = "none"; var prefilled_email = $; // Wait 3 seconds for UTM script to prefill fields before auto-submitting setTimeout(function() { if (prefilled_email) { $form.submit(); } }, 3000); }, onFormSubmitted: function($form) { $ = "none"; }, }); } function checkAndLoadHubspotForm() { var formlist = document.querySelectorAll('form'); if (!formlist || formlist.length === 0) { loadHubspotHiddenForm(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < formlist.length; i++) { var formid = formlist[i].id; if (!formid.toLowerCase().includes("hsform")) { // if hubspot form not found on page, add hidden form and submit it. loadHubspotHiddenForm(); } } } var pagelocation = document.location.href; if (!pagelocation.includes("thank") && !pagelocation.includes("confirmation")) { // Wait for 5 seconds for any existing HubSpot form to load setTimeout(checkAndLoadHubspotForm, 5000); } // Navigation API listener (if supported) if (window.navigation && window.navigation.addEventListener) { window.navigation.addEventListener("navigate", function() { var pagelocation = document.location.href; if (!pagelocation.includes("thank") && !pagelocation.includes("confirmation")) { setTimeout(checkAndLoadHubspotForm, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds } }); }